Mortgage Intelligence

Oshawa's Mortgage News Desk!

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2017! 



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Happy Holidays!

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Mortgage Intelliegnce-Oshawa Angels Deliveries


A big THANK YOU to MI-Oshawa agents, business partners, lenders, realtors and all other supporters  for your generous contributions and support. We could not have done it without your help!


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Ten great reasons to use a mortgage broker

41001003-4596For many Canadians, mortgage payments are their single biggest expense. Yet most don’t comparison shop to ensure they’re getting the best mortgage rate and terms available, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars over their mortgage years. Don’t make the same mistake! Here are 10 reasons why you need a mortgage broker working for you:

  1. Choice.  A wide range of lenders, including major banks, credit unions, and other national, regional and private lenders will instantly become accessible to you, ensuring that your specific needs are matched to the right mortgage.
  2. Great rates. Get money in your pocket by taking advantage of Mortgage Intelligence’s clout with lenders. Our stellar reputation and longstanding experience allows us to negotiate great rates and access limited time specials.
  3. A focused expert.  A mortgage is a very significant financial event. That’s why you want someone who is highly specialized in the mortgage marketplace and focused solely on your needs. You’ll get advice that will make a significant difference in your financial life.
  4. Independence & objectivity.  We work for you, not the lender.
  5. Solutions when you need them.  We can provide funding for bank turndowns, the self-employed, past credit problems, etc. There are mortgages for almost any situation and we know them all.
  6. Save time. Everything relating to your mortgage can be managed around your busy schedule.
  7. Service, service, service. We’ll be with you every step of the way, to answer all your questions, outline your best options, and efficiently guide you through the process.
  8. Ongoing support.  Our services don’t stop after the mortgage closes. We will stay with you for the life of your mortgage with advice and opportunities.
  9. No cost (oac). The winning lender pays compensation for the services and solution provided, which means no fees for you in the vast majority of cases.
  10. Your satisfaction.  Our goal is to ensure that you are so completely satisfied with your mortgage experience that you will be happy to refer us to your friends, family and colleagues.



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5 ways to improve mortgage qualifying success



Yes new mortgage rules have made it harder to qualify for a mortgage, whether you are a first-time buyer or looking to renew or refinance your mortgage with a new lender. That’s why you should get yourself mortgage ready well in advance.  Here are 5 tips to help you do just that:

  1. Get your credit report. Getting a copy of your credit report will let you know how you will be viewed by lenders. You can order yours for free through the mail or for a small fee online at If you spot a problem, contact Equifax to resolve the issue.
  2. Polish your credit. You can boost your score by several points fairly quickly with continual good credit habits. Most importantly, pay your bills on time, every time. Don’t let your credit accounts exceed 50% of the credit available. Before you cancel any credit cards, get advice. And don’t apply for a store card just to save on your purchase that day. Make a habit of checking your credit score each year, and watch how those good credit habits push your credit score skywards!
  3. Cash is king. Plan to go into homeownership with the maximum downpayment possible. If you are in the “saving up” stage of preparing for homeownership, now is the time to meet. There are several downpayment savings strategies available that we can put to work for you.
  4. Get a boost from family. Parents and grandparents have enjoyed the personal and financial benefits of home ownership themselves, and see how hard it is today to make that important first step into the market. Check to see if they are willing to help by gifting or loaning some or all of the downpayment, or by helping you with other debts.
  5. Start a dialogue early. Get in touch with the team earlier on in the process to talk about your purchase, refinance or renewal plans. We can help you be fully prepared to get you where you want to go, and to make sure you can take advantage of any opportunities that come your way.

Also remember, history has proven that it is almost impossible to perfectly time the market.  Further, home ownership has proven to be a very solid investment in the long term, so focus on buying a home when you are financially ready and when it fits your lifestyle;